Healing Not Harm

Healing Not Harm

The Restorative Justice Diversion Program

When a young person commits a harm within the jurisdiction of Philadelphia [Lenapehoking], the District Attorney’s Office will divert that case from the traditional family court system and place it within our restorative practice where we pursue reconciliation and healing, outside of the punitive system.

  • We are all more than the worst thing we've ever done. In order to grow from a negative experience, people need support.

    Collective Climb does this by creating spaces for young people to unpack not only the impact of their actions, but also the circumstances under which they arose. That subtle shift from "what did you do" to "how do we keep marching forward" is designed to help show things never just happen. Our actions are a complex result of our environments and self determination. Only by taking both of these elements seriously, can we really begin to understand what we are taking accountability for, but also, how to prevent it from happening again.

    By the end of a restorative process, our goal is that young people will walk away from this experience feeling empowered and beloved.

  • 1) Opening Ceremony

    During the Opening Ceremony, we work to understand what happened in the youth’s own words. We spend this time getting to know each other and understanding what we call "root causes" to conflict in the community.

    2) Restorative Conference

    With the community of learning we form during the opening ceremony, we then begin to explore strategies to unpack our actions and take accountability over a 6-month period. We make art, tells stories, and center growth throughout this entire process. We then bring together both the youth and the person harmed to have a conference at the end of which, they are tasked with producing what is called a reconciliation agreement.

    3) Closing Ceremony

    This is where it all comes together! During the closing ceremony, we work with the youth to honor the terms delineated in the reconciliation agreement. Once completed, we notify the DA and the case is closed!

  • Contact us at info@collectiveclimb.org so we can schedule a time to talk! We want to knowledge share and create a robust network of Restorative providers in Philly!